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A little girl, aged 5, reveals in a video how she had her first menstrual cycle as she’s being instructed by her mother to narrate how she found out she had her period.
In the said video, which has attracted thousands of likes, the little girl explains she discovered she was on her period when she visited the toilet to use the bathroom.
The conversation between her and her mother is as follows:
Mother: “I posted about you yesterday on my Facebook, how you were like ‘mummy I’m okay, my period,’ and everybody wanted me to tell them where that came from or why you said that. Can you please share with them? Why did you say you’re on your period?”
Daughter: “Because I’m a girl. Because when I use the bathroom and my pelvic [area], that’s when I get my period. And I bleed, I bleed.”
Mother: “So you got your period because you held your pee in your pee [sic] back and the period came.”
Daughter: “Yeah.”
Mother: “Alright, I had no idea, ma’am. So, how did it feel when you had your period?”
Daughter: “It was kind of good but when I, when I go to use the bathroom, blood just came out and my private area hurt.”
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