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🤦 An Eye For An Eye Episode NINE:
Just last Month, I travelled to Kwara State for my friend’s wedding.
So I decided to look for that my big auntie that took me to Kwara that year. I sourced for her number and called. She was so surprised to hear from me. So I collected her house address and I took my wife and son and we paid her a visit the following day.
That Auntie ehn, always a sweet soul 😁😁. Immediately she sighted me, she first started by measuring our heights, I am now almost twice as tall as she is. I am now a big boy oo😁😃😃.
This auntie no dey even fear ‘Manogor’, she was slapping my ‘ogo’ (back of my head) in the presence of my wife and telling my wife how she used to carry me on her lap to school, that I was a very stubborn child 😁😁😃😃
My wife too was confirming it, that I’m even more stubborn these days…..you need to see the way this other gender teamed up against me fa. 😁😁😁😀😄
I’m so happy about the condition I met her, she’s doing very well with her husband and children.
We started catching up on all the gists we have missed. We talked about secondary school days, I reminded her how the senior students were giving me love letter to give her and they would buy me lunch and spare me whenever my class was to be punished and how she was doing shakara for them, feeling like world’s finest 😁😁 (I know my seniors that are reading this now are trying to rack their brains to know the person I’m talking about. Make una no stress unaself, una no fit solve this Mathematics 😜😝😛🤪😜).
Then I dashed into the incident of the phone theft. She told me her sister moved out of that house after some time, so she didn’t hear from Tunde since then (the guy that stole the phone). She also does not know the whereabouts of Alhaji. That one only came to flirt with Hook up Auntie, and took a moment to cause trouble.
TO Be Continued.
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