- Playloaded Song Of The Week
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Morning time came I woke up and my friend had already gotten prepared since he spent the night in my place..
We took off to consult abia ibok (native doctor) on how to send Olivia the ghost back to her underworld..
Reaching the shrine, the native doctor was still doing an incantations (kuri mkpiyoriyo utembia)
Hahaha my son before you enter this shrine, the great ikuku had told me your problems, you’re seeking for the termination of that ghost? Hahaha…. (I wonder how he knew exactly what brought us to his shrine, I said in my mind)
Baba yes, like you said.. a ghost has been hunting my friend here, please help us because your the supreme and by your actions every powers fall astray… Help us baba .. (my friend begged)
Hahaha OK, there’s nothing difficult for ikuku.. I’ll help youuu.. Nkuriyoriyooooooo(incantation)
He deep his hands inside a calabash and brought out some powder…
My son take this powder, in the night go to the cemetery and sprinkle it, then go home and sprinkle it in your house entrance … Once she sees the powder at the cemetery she won’t be able to cross it and even if she manage to cross it at the cemetery she’ll be to weak to cross the one in your house, by so doing her time will be up on earth and she’ll leave you.. haha hahaha (the native doctor hands over the powder to me and I paid the certain amount required, then we waited till night before doing as i was told)
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
It’s 2days now I didn’t see Olivia appearing again to me, I called my friend on the phone and we talked.. He said majesty I told you it will work… That powder will delay her till her time is up on earth, th0nder fire her left y@nsh.. Relax bro.
I was really enjoying free life, I didn’t notice that the powder I was given has began to fade away … In the day time since it was rainy.. The cold made me fell asleep… I had a dream.. I saw Olivia approaching me with an angry face, she came with battalion to bundle me inside a cage.
.. I ran as fast as my leg could carry me.. When I woke up, I noticed that an evil spirit has entered my house.
I checked were I sprinkle the powder but it has faded away..
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
Every place in my room was scattered, my plasma TV damaged, all my bulb breaks and everywhere dusty … Behold Olivia approached from my kitchen with a knife, I shouted.. The neighbors came in to see what had happened.. But they saw me alone.. It seems like am the only person seeing Olivia.. I ran out with fear straight to the native doctor’s shrine ..
Baba help me she has appeared again ooo, I fell down flat at the shrine… The native doctor came out with a staff that he uses to fight spiritual war,
Who enters my territory? Who are you? Show your self you spirit … Soon Olivia appeared at the shrine with knife..
Native doctor:
Oh ye false spirit what do you want in my shrine? If your looking for this man you won’t have him, he’s now mine.. Go back to your underworld or I’ll strike you with my staff and you’ll die two times..😡😡😡
I’ll spare your life old man release that man for me or you’ll die by my knife, as you can see I don’t have much time to waste
(the native doctor didn’t care instead they exchange words soon they later had a battle confrontation..)
The war began between Olivia and the native doctor, i had to run faster and leave them.. Twenty minutes walk in the bush path, Olivia appeared.. Oops it seems he has killed the man….(I thought in my mind)
Please oly dear, don’t kill me.. Spare my life, this time I’ll do whatever you ask me to do.. Just don’t kill me..
Is too late majesty, you have to come with me since you betrayed me, she replied….
She was approaching me with the knife and a frowned face, I couldn’t escape… I became weak…
She left the knife to strike me..
Then the director shout pause, watch out for Episode ten.
Will be more scary, will the ghost succeed in killing majesty? Or she’ll spare his life?
TO Be Continued.
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