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Thank you for choosing Playloaded as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Lizzy Love Of My Life 👫💞 (Chapter Eleven) Of Lizzy Love Of My Life Story by Playloaded, for your reading pleasure.” Now, let’s dig into it… read with Playloaded.
In the night after papa rose and his family have ate their dinner, Lizzy packed all the dishes and went to the kitchen while David follows.
“”Hi pretty my name is David and you ” David asked.
” My name is Lizzy, please can you excuse me? “” Lizzy asked.
“”Of course i will, but why are you acting so cold since I came this evening?. Lizzy please i want you to be my friend. David said.
“” David, what if i say no i don’t want to ! . Lizzy said and was about to leave when David held her back. They stared at each other for a long time ” You’re a beautiful lady, you know ” David said.
” Thanks but i want to leave now ” She said and left David in the kitchen.
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My mother was busy trying to settle us, because of the malice. Mikel was too stubborn, he kept saying he’s in love with Lizzy too and nothing can stop him.
Our mom tried but it went on mikel defiance attitude. I stood up and thank our mother for the settlement and went straight to my room.
I couldn’t sleep any longer, and it was already midnight. I kept thinking about Lizzy, i need to be fast ” I thought ” , what if she said no? Or am not ready for any relationship , how would i feel. I kept thinking until I dozed off again.
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Very early in the morning, Lizzy woke up early because she had to fetch water from the stream early before the other family wakes up. She took her water pot and went to the stream, on her way going she heard some footsteps and decided to look back ” Amazingly it was David.
“” Good morning ” She Greeted.
” Morning Lizzy, you woke up early? ,asked David
” Yes i need to fetched fresh water, before any other person. So you have been trailing me, i hope you aren’t following me to the stream? She asked.
“” Of course i am, i don’t want you to go alone that’s why i sneakily trailed you.” David said.
Both of them Continued walking through the footpath that led to the village stream, David was very happy around Lizzy, he never thought Lizzy would allow him to follow her in the first place.
After filling her water pot, David helped her by lifting the heavy water pot on her head ” Thank you David ” Lizzy said.
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I woked up early and decided to checked some of my traps in the farm, on my way going i met Lizzy and a guy coming back from the stream. I was wondering who was this guy? ” Good morning Bryan ” Lizzy greeted.
” Good morning Lizzy, how was your night? I asked.
” It’s fine Bryan, Bryan meet David papa rose brother, David meet Bryan my friend ‘ she introduced’ .
I shooked hand with him, and continue my walk at the same time looking back only to see Lizzy laughing with David, i was badly angry ! Am i getting jealous?? Oh my god!! I need to act fast.
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Some hours later, after breakfast papa rose and mama rose left the house together, they were going to visit a family friend at the outskirt of the village. As soon as they went out David brought out his laptop and was watching porn on it. David was a guy who loves watching porn anytime he wants to get horny.
He got horny and his d*ck was very hard, trying to burst out from his trousers ” Oh am getting really hard i need to stop watching this before Lizzy catch me ” David thought.
David couldn’t control him self any longer and planned to have s*x with Lizzy which could help relieve him from the mood.
Lizzy was sleeping in her room, she went back to bed after mama rose and her husband left. Luckily David sneakily entered her room and saw her sleeping “” Wow what a beautiful angel! , i can’t wait to do this i need to be fast and careful said David.
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He moved more closer to Lizzy and started touching her dark curled hair, he could not control himself any longer and then he started kissing her roughily and he got on top of Lizzy and she woked up.
“” What are you trying to do David??” Lizzy asked.
” Shut up, don’t tell me you haven’t done this before, just keep quite and let me have it with you peacefully ” He said, trying to undress Lizzy.
” Please David, don’t do this to me i haven’t done it before, please i beg you in the name of God.
I thought you were a nice person ” Lizzy pleaded.
“” Oh Lizzy, mother of virgin as you can see am highly on the mood, and can’t do without having sex with a beautiful lady like you ” He said.
He was struggling with Lizzy, still trying to undress her but Lizzy was too stubborn for him. Lizzy was not his first target, he have raped many ladies before. They kept struggling with each other, Lizzy was shouting louder, but their neighbor couldn’t hear her because of the fences, David slapped her.
TO Be Continued.
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