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The Plateau Environmental Protection and Sanitation Agency (PEPSA) has announced that the monthly sanitation exercise will be held on Saturday, May 25th, 2024.
In a statement signed by the Director General, Mr. Samuel Dapiya, PEPSA emphasized the importance of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene across the Plateau State. The exercise is part of the agency’s ongoing efforts to ensure a clean and green environment under the #KeepItCleanKeepItGreen initiative.
To accommodate University of Jos students who are currently writing exams, there will be minimal restrictions on movement during this period. Buses, commercial taxis, and tricycles transporting University of Jos students, as well as individuals providing essential services, will be permitted to move freely.
However, business owners in the Jos-Bukuru Metropolis are required to comply with the sanitation guidelines by refraining from operating within their premises during the exercise. Entry and exit within the city center will be restricted to ensure the effectiveness of the sanitation efforts.
PEPSA teams will be conducting supervision rounds to ensure compliance with these measures. The agency appreciates the public’s understanding and cooperation in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment.
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