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Playloaded.com / Playloaded Stories, Romance Story, Trending Posts / “The Scar” (Completed) – the Kids Are Watching!!!
They say “history always repeats itself” and to be honest, there’s an atom of truth in that harmless statement. Have you ever wondered why kids that were raised in abusive homes and environment sadly turn out to be abusive as they grow older, while kids raised in a loving home and environment turn out to be loving and affectionate as they grow older?
Domestic violence is a very sensitive issue and practice that is unfortunately passed from one generation to another without any atom of hope for this sad practice ever coming to an end. Ever wondered why they say “an apple never falls far from the tree”? Well, that’s because behaviours and practices don’t just spring up from thin air, but are rather nurtured and groomed. When next you raise your hands to beat your wife or husband, pause for a minute and realise that the kids might be watching that act of anger and it can permanently damage the moral standards and mindset of a promising young boy or girl. Grab your pop corns and get ready for a lesson-filled tale. You’re ready? I bet you are; now gently enjoy the ride down the reality check of an abusive couple.
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