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🤦 An Eye For An Eye Episode TEN:
She said Simo (The Ghanian guy) was opportuned to travel to India for a job, he spent a few years there and by the time he returned, he had already made it. She said Simo is now a proper BIG MAN.
I even called him and he said we’ll arrange for reunion…..I’m looking forward to it.
As for Hook up Auntie, hmm, she’s in a pathetic situation. I was told that one of her sugar daddies got her pregnant, denied the pregnancy and abandoned her. So she fell back to a house that she inherited from her father, she was collecting the rent to meet her needs. Unfortunately for her, her older siblings collected ownership of the house from her and threw her out. I was told that right now, Hook up Auntie is currently on the street of Ilorin with her child begging for food.
If your mind just echoed “God catch her”, then you need to beg God for the spirit of forgiveness. Please, do not say she deserves it, rather, we should be praying to God to have mercy on her. May God overlook her trespasses and favour her in Jesus name.
Okay, let me say this one that may provoke some people; what about treating your offenders in a very unusual way? What about praying for your enemies? E dey Bible oo, and Jesus wey be our role model do am 👇👇👇
Matthew 5:44-45 says “But I say to you, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, BLESS THOSE WHO CURSE YOU, DO GOOD TO THOSE WHO HATE YOU, AND PRAY FOR THOSE WHO SPITEFULLY USE YOU AND PERSECUTE YOU, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (NKJV).
Do you still remember how Jesus was praying for those nailing him to the cross?…Yeah, we need that kind of grace!
Here is another reason you should not consider vengeance 👇👇👇
“Do not be overcome by evil, BUT OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD.” (Romans 12:21).
Beloved, if you desire to forgive all your offenders but you find it too difficult, then you obviously need the grace and spirit of God. The spirit of God is an enabler, It will help you to accomplish the most difficult things easily. I am telling you in all sincerity that you need to first accept Jesus Christ before you can receive the spirit to forgive easily.
TO Be Continued.
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