- Playloaded Song Of The Week
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When eve tried all her woman power to pull Majesty out from the ready to explode car and she couldn’t , she shouted.
Heeeelp!! Somebody help… Please help 😭😭
The car will soon explode, I don’t want to loose Majesty.. Please someone should help… She rushed to the main road and begging moving vehicles and the passerby…
Enough people came to Majesty’s rescue.. They succeeded in pulling Majesty out… But Majesty didn’t look like he’s going to make it because he was badly injured…
Oh Majesty please live for me, don’t die…. I don’t know how I’ll cope in this life without you… Stay here for me
(they wanted to rescue chief also but eve stopped them)
No don’t rescue that bastard, he’s my dad and he deserves to die… He is responsible for all this… But those guys objected and pushed eve away…. Before they could rescue chief, the car exploded and chief died and Majesty was rushed to the hospital..
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
Majesty is laid on the hospital bed with life supporting machine… He’s on coma (eve was by his side and with tears)
Majesty please I want you to survive for us, you’ve come this far and it won’t be nice if you leave me now…
I won’t be able to forgive myself 😭😭😭😭
Majesty you are a fighter, fight for your life baby… Fight for us dear… Remember you’ve always promised not to leave me, please keep to your promise…
Oh I wish Olivia was a human… I would have strangle her to death.. See what she has caused… My dad killed you and why don’t you hunt my dad instead… Why must it be my Majesty.
(after 5 hours Majesty was shaking, foams was coming out from his mouth and eve was scared then she rushed to call the doctor and doctor rushed in with stethoscope and test Majesty’s heart… The heart wasn’t pumping)
Am sorry miss Eve we’ve lost him, his heart was injured badly so the blood from the athrestic couldn’t circulate to his veins and other part of the body that’s the reason he was shaking.
(the nurse covered Majesty with white long clothe and cotton wool in his nose and ears)
Nooooooooo is not true, majesty your not going anyway… Not when am carrying your baby, not when I’ve sacrifice my only dad to save your life, not when I’ve given you my heart…
My baby can’t be in my womb and become fatherless
(eve shaked Majesty, yet nothing happened)
Miss Eve please calm down, there’s nothing you can do, he has gone and there’s nothing we can do as well..
Just arrange for ambulance that will take him to the mortuary (doctor said this trying to calm eve down)
Doctor just leave me, am carrying his baby… He has suffered alot to die… What will I tell our child?
Everything will be fine eve.
(doctor said this and left eve while eve was still wailing with majesty’s corpse)
Some minutes later, majesty rose up… He saw himself lying down and eve was crying…
He tried touching eve but he couldn’t, he called Eve and Eve didn’t responded… Eve was still wailing and crying…
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
Jesus what’s happening to me? Eve can’t hear me and I can’t touch her… What’s my body doing here.?
(Majesty cried but no one could hear him… He quickly rushed out, on his way he met nurse and the doctor)
Hello doctor, I don’t know what’s happening to me, I can’t feel anything, no one can hear me.. What’s wrong doctor?
(doctor didn’t respond to him.. And soon Olivia appeared)
It seems Olivia has come to take Majesty to the land of the deaths because she still love him and it’s a perfect time to re-unite with Majesty since they’re now ghost or maybe she’ll just return Majesty to live again…
Find out in the next Episode…
TO Be Continued.
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