- Playloaded Song Of The Week
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Hello Playloadites,
Thank you for choosing Playloaded as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Lizzy Love Of My Life 👫💞 (Chapter 4) Of Lizzy Love Of My Life Story by Playloaded, for your reading pleasure.” Now, let’s dig into it… read with Playloaded.
Bryan are you mad? , how can you bring a total stranger to my house, she can’t sleep here tonight my Mom said.
Please mom, Lizzy is an orphan she said she was forced to marry a man she didn’t love by her wicked step mother. That’s why she had to ran away from her and we met.
” And you believed her? Mom asked.
Mother please just this night, she would leave tomorrow morning i promised.
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Bryan! Bryan!! Bryan!!! , how many times did i call you? , my spirit did not like this girl ooooo i think she’s evil mom said.
Mom she’s not evil, please just a night .
Lizzy was still standing in the living room. Lizzy follow me let me show you where you will sleep tonight.
Bryan!, i guess your mom doesn’t want me in her house. I can still continue my trip and pass my night anywhere said Lizzy.
Oh Lizzy, you don’t need to leave i have already pleaded with her and she has agreed. Don’t worry you will be fine, just follow me let me show you your room.
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
In the living room, mikel, mom and i where sitting down, facing each other before mikel broke the silence ” Bryan how could you disrespect our mother and still kept that girl in our house?
Bro, I’m sorry, but that’s the only way i can help the poor girl, she’s an orphan and being maltreated by her step mother.
How did you know she’s telling the truth?, look Bryan that girl must leave this minute. Said mikel..
It’s a lie mikel, Lizzy is going to spend her night here and no one is going to stop her. Why can’t you leave the innocent girl alone.
Bryan! , is like you haven’t heard any story about obanje spirit, she might be one of them said mother.
Mom she’s not, and am not going to sit down here and listen any more, good night mom. I angrily left the living room and went to my room.
Lizzy was already asleep on the bed, so i lay down on a mat on the floor and dozed off.
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Moments later, i heard a scream. on the bed i saw mikel trying to undress Lizzy, i quickly got up and pushed him away, unluckily i was hit on the head by my mom.
TO Be Continued.
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