- Playloaded Song Of The Week
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Hello Playloadites,
Thank you for choosing Playloaded as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Lizzy Love Of My Life 👫💞 (Chapter 6) Of Lizzy Love Of My Life Story by Playloaded, for your reading pleasure.” Now, let’s dig into it… read with Playloaded.
“”Bryan ¡!!!¡!¡!! “” My mom shouted my name.
Yes mom. I answered
“” Didn’t i send you to give mama Sara the money yesterday? She asked
I was confused because i forgot, i could have told her about how i used the money yesterday. But it’s too late “” Ehmmmm mom i….i…..i
“” Bryan!!! , when have you become a stammerer my mom cuts in.
I dipped my right palm inside my pocket and brought out one thousand naira note, mom am sorry i used the money to treat Lizzy yesterday when she’s unconscious..
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
Who’s Lizzy? Mama sara asked.
Mama Sarah please, am sorry i thought my son has paid the money yesterday. I never knew he would choose a total stranger over me. My mom pleaded with her and told her to go, that she will visit her later in the day.
Bryan !! , am tired of you since yesterday night and this morning came to be the worst day i ever had. Imagine mama Sara is humiliating me.
Mom am so sorry, i and Lizzy knelt down and begged my mom but she became very angrily at us.
Ever in my life, my mom has never been so angrily at me as she did today, now i have to choose between her and Lizzy.
Lizzy was in tears, she kept blaming herself for all she had put me through, but i shrugged my shoulder and told her not to worry.
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
Immediately i remembered, i have to check some of my traps to see if it caught any grass cutter.
Luckily it caught a big grass cutter.
Few hours later i was back from the farm, i was lucky to make a good sale of two thousands naira.
I went inside and gave my mom her money, she collected it from me. I rushed to the backyard to look for Lizzy, i searched every where and i couldn’t find her. “” I threw her out of my house ” My mom said because she have been observing me looking for her.
I was shocked!! , when she told me but i don’t know what’s wrong with me i felt like collapsing.
Hurriedly i went down the road and saw her, she was very far away from me “” Lizzy!!, i shouted but she didn’t hear me.
I ran as much as my leg could run faster, i was lucky enough to tap her from the back.
Lizzy please wait , i pleaded.
TO Be Continued.
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