- Playloaded Song Of The Week
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Hello Playloadites,
Thank you for choosing Playloaded as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Lizzy Love Of My Life 👫💞 (Chapter Eight) Of Lizzy Love Of My Life Story by Playloaded, for your reading pleasure.” Now, let’s dig into it… read with Playloaded.
Mama rose husband was staring at Lizzy, then he start smiling at Lizzy ” Mama rose who’s this beautiful girl ” Asked pa rose.
She’s my late friend’s daughter Lizzy , Lizzy meet Papa rose , inayi meet Lizzy. Mama rose introduced.
They all went inside and ate dinner, later mama rose showed Lizzy where she would be sleeping.
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
Early in the morning, Bryan woke up and went straight to the farm to check his traps, on his way going he met Lizzy coming back from the stream. Bryan was confused and shy because since yesterday he kissed Lizzy, his mind was not in peace “” Good morning Bryan ” Lizzy greeted putting her water pot down.
Morning Lizzy, hope you are comfortable at mama rose place?
” Yes Bryan, thank you. I guess you’re going to the farm? She asked.
“” Of course Lizzy, i want to check my traps i will soon be back early.
“” Okay Bryan , good bye ” She waved.
Wow, maybe she forgot about yesterday incident, i smiled and ran along.
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
Mikel was coming back from his friends place, when he saw a beautiful lady with a water pot coming towards him.
“” Hi beautiful damsel’ he said.
Good morning sir ” Lizzy greeted.
” Morning dear, please don’t call me sir my name is mikel and you? he asked.
My name is Lizzy’ I’m not from this village. She answered.
“” Wow!!!! No wonder, because i haven’t seen you before. Please do you stay around here i would love to visit you later. He asked.
“” I’m sorry mikel, I’ve to go now ” She said and leaves.
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
Hmmm what a beauty, i must get that girl by fire by force.
Mikel got home and met his mom in the sitting room, he greeted him and told her about his new crush “” Mama don’t worry you will like that girl once you see her “” He said happily.
TO Be Continued.
Guys I thought this Mikel na Bryan brother?
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