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“Yes Henry. You raped a girl and I slept with your friend, You killed that poor girl and you rendered the family powerless!”
He looked lost and attempted to sit down. Then he held his head in his two hands as he looked down.
“I didn’t kill anyone…” He was muttering to himself and my phone rang again but I still ignored.
“You killed the girl after you gave her the drugs henry. Stop lying!”
He looked up and sat akimbo, still looking confused.
“I am going inside to pack my stuff Henry! We are so done! I will never be with you, you this cold murderer!”
“Listen to me!” He started, standing up. “I never killed anyone! I do not know what you are talking about or what lies you were fed but I killed no one!”
“So how did Benita die? Who raped her? Were you not the so called corper H?”
“She.. she wanted me to sleep with her but I didn’t. I saw her as a small girl, like my sister. I wanted her to have the best of education. She wanted me to sleep with her but I couldn’t because I love you so much.”
“You are such a lousy lier! So why did you tell me you never knew her?”
“I know that was my mistake. I said that because…because I was the last person to see her before she died. She called me when she was in pain and I went to her house. She was covered in blood but I was helpless, I knew if she dies, I would be arrested. I could see that she took some drugs which affected her womb, I panicked. I couldn’t even …..I couldn’t call for help.
That night of your rape…I denied knowing her because I was afraid. I didn’t know how her brother found me or why he thought I raped her because nobody saw me that day. I quickly went back to school and travelled back the next day. You were raped because of her and I didn’t want you to suspect me.” He was shedding tears now as he spoke but I was unmoved.
“I thought you were a good man Henry…even with all these! You are still lying!”
My phone rang and I finally picked.
‘What? Who is this?”
“It is Musa.”
“Oh! “ I said, I have forgotten I left my number with him in case the second diary comes up. So I put the phone on loud speaker.
“You should listen to this Henry, so that you will finally realize that your secret is out.
“We finally got the second diary and we realize there has been some mistake…”
“You don’t need to be scared Musa, please say it, Henry is here, let him know what he did.”
“It wasn’t he who raped Benita…it was one Mr …felix. We found the diary … Henry was only her crush….he didn’t rape or kill her… Felix did everything. I am so sorry…”
The phone dropped from my hand and scattered on the floor as I heard the news. My legs were trembling and my heart was beating rapidly…I couldn’t say a single word as I stared at Henry whose face was now covered in his hand…
Just then Felix opened the door….
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For a minute, nobody spoke. I remembered I had told Felix to come and meet me once he hears no feedback from me incase Henry tries to do something stupid.
Henry smiled painfully and sat on the settee looking at the both of us…
“You…you Felix.. you have ruined me!” I managed to say as I was too weak to say anything else. I just went down on my knees. My heart was breaking so fast and so heavily as I realized the gravity of what I just did.
“You raped Benita…you lied to me…you…you took advantage of me….”
Felix was quiet. He also wasn’t looking sober though he seemed surprised.
“Babe, you should not have gone to Kano! You should have told me first!”
I couldn’t believe my ears, I just wished I could die that moment as I looked at Henry who was only looking at us quietly.
“Henry…” I started, crying profusely. “I am so sorry….”
Henry smiled. “I loved you. I took care of you. You just..just threw it all away as you allowed yourself to be misguided by your own fair and past affair…”
He was talking as if he had no strength left. I walked closer and held his hand.
“I am sorry, please forgive me…he deceived me! Please Henry …”
He yanked his hand away.. “Forgive? There is no forgiveness in this! You made it quite clear when you jumped into bed with Felix and you sealed your own fate. Both of you are dead to me…you deserve each other…”
He stood up, placing his hands on his head. “You cheated” He was crying and shouting. “I loved you but you cheated on me! You didn’t trust me”
“Henry please. I know I messed up but please it wasn’t my fault…please…”
“You ruined us! I was willing to wait for you! The next thing you did was to jump into bed with that bastard! You have ruined us! I loved you! I did everything for you! I never bothered you with sex! You ruined us!” get out of my life I don’t want to ever set my eyes on you again. He was shaking and crying profusely now…
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Even though I pleaded and pleaded, it was of no use. Out of shame and guilt, I left and reported the rape and murder to the police. Felix was arrested and taken to jail.
Musa was nowhere to be found after he had successfully ruined me…but did he actually ruin me or I ruined myself?
Here I am two years later telling my own story. I am still here picking back the pieces of what is left of my life.
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Last week I learnt that Henry got married in Georgia and his wife gave birth to twins. He had left shortly after the whole saga between us…
I am not telling this story so you can laugh at me or you can judge me, I know I am at fault and I know I made a terrible mistake but I am saying all these so that you can learn from my mistake of jumping into conclusion without full investigation, my mistake of not trusting my husband who loved me unconditionally, the mistake of allowing my past to mess with my present and ruining my future.
I have had my own share of fate and I do hope my life will return to normal after this…. My HASTY DECISION ruined my life completely…..
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1) Lets learn to manage anger…don’t take decisions when angry, it could ruin you and can never end well.
2) Don’t hide secrets at all however little with your spouse.
3) cut off every ties you might have with your EX especially when you are married.
4) When faced with betrayal, disappointment and such in your marraige, take a deep breath and don’t be hasty in decision making.
5) Finally, never jump into conclusion, leave vengeance for God alone.
6) Let everybody reading this story say something.
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