- Playloaded Song Of The Week
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No matter how much you try to hide a bad character, it’s just a matter of time before you reveal your true self sooner or later. When a person has a personality problem or mental disorder, they never believe that they need help even if it’s clear they do. Derrick had gotten extremely comfortable with his ‘school of thought’ as regards how women ought to be treated by men. At that point, it would take only God to correct his mindset and change his heart. In as much as Naya wasn’t fully aware of the deep mess she had gotten herself into, it’s now safe to say that she had seen a glimpse of it.
After what seemed like a subtle strangle by Derrick, Naya was left completely shattered and couldn’t find the right words to perfectly describe how she felt at that moment. The incident kept replaying in her head and her heart couldn’t stop pounding. Despite still being in shock, she managed to get up from the floor and climb the stairs that led to her matrimonial room.
Every step Naya took to get closer to the room increased her heart beat. She was low-key scared because she had no clue of what awaited her after what happened downstairs. Immediately she opened the bedroom door, she found Derrick seated in front of his laptop attending to work.
As Naya stood there looking lost and scared without knowing what to expect from her pissed husband, she finally broke the silence after keeping mute for a while. “Are we going to talk about what you just did to me few minutes ago?” she gently said but got no response from Derrick who looked as though he was engrossed in what he was typing in his laptop.
After few minutes of being ignored, the confused lady finally walked away from the room. Before leaving, she made sure to pick some clothes from the wardrobe they both shared.
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
It was quite clear that Naya wasn’t going to be spending the night with her husband in their matrimonial room. At first, Derrick seemed unbothered about the whole thing but later began to feel bad for his actions; because of pride and ego, he refused to apologise to his wife and make peace with her. Despite being restless, the proud man retired to bed and forced himself to sleep.
That night was hunting for Naya because she was still having a hard time believing all that happened earlier. Unlike Derrick’s mum ‘Lizzy’, Naya was a calm lady that didn’t believe in drama and quarrels. She was a well brought up lady with good moral standards and values. Instead of escalating the issue, she prayed silently and asked God to block every loop hole the devil planned on using to destroy her new family that was barely four months old. After series of thoughts and restlessness, she finally managed to close her eyes and sleep.
That same night, Naya had a horrible nightmare that woke her up at around 4am in the morning. In that dream, she found herself in a bad situation and it seemed as though her life was at stake. One funny thing about the whole situation was that her supposed husband ‘Derrick’ looked absolutely unbothered in that dream and didn’t care to help her out in the mess she was in.
Such level of negligence and carefree attitude from someone whom you claim to love. Despite Naya’s shouts for help from her husband, he didn’t frine or care to rescue her.
When Naya woke up from that dream, she became even more confused than she was before sleeping that night. The fastest relief she could seek was to immediately go to God in prayers.
One mistake Naya made in her prayers to God was praying amiss. Instead of asking God to reveal more mystery to her or open her eyes to clearly see the hand writings on the wall, she naively kept binding and casting.
As humans, we are limited as to what we can know but God isn’t. The most effective prayer to pray when you are in a confused state or when strange happenings begin to spring out of nowhere is to ask God to open your eyes to see what mere eyes can’t. The spirit of discernment should be a key request from God during moments such as this. I believe if Naya had prayed rightly, God would have gradually revealed Derrick’s scars to her but rather, she kept binding and casting a demon that wasn’t even present in her home.
One thing most people don’t know about God is that He is principle based and doesn’t work by emotions. What you ask is what you get and not the other way round. Since Naya was binding and casting, God sent angels to encamp her home and protect her family from any devices of the devil and his cohorts (demons). Since there wasn’t any strange demons evident in her household to destroy her marriage, the angels had no serious work to tend to, but guess what? The problem was still very much habitat in that home and it was no other person than ‘Derrick’.
You see, there wasn’t any new demon in that home that needed binding and casting, all that needed to be done was healing and restoration to take place in Derrick’s life. The only demon in that house was Derrick’s scars. Those scars were the only thing that needed discernment to detect and correct. Too bad it wasn’t yet visible for poor Naya to see.
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
After a morning well spent praying, Naya began preparing to head to the office. Still angry with Derrick for his actions the night before, she only greeted him that morning and didn’t utter another word to him till she left the house.
Few hours into the day’s activities, Naya got a text message from her husband and she curiously opened it to read what he wrote and it read; “I am sorry for yesterday, I don’t know what came over me; I guess I was just pissed that you stayed out late. Would make it up to you tonight. Love you!”.
In as much as Naya was still angry, she just couldn’t help but blush at the sweet text message sent by her husband. That apology restored a certain level of peace and happiness in her again. Her sad mood gradually changed and her joy was restored once more; but for how long? Well, we would see!
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
Before Naya returned home that day from the office, Derrick had already prepared a delicious meal for her. On arrival, he gave her a warm hug and apologised once more. Naya’s heart melted and she opened her arms wide enough to accommodate her beloved husband.
After a wonderful meal, they showered together and made love afterwards. That night was blissful for the couple who had just reconciled their differences and fortunately, things remain peaceful after that day.
It’s been two weeks now and there hasn’t been any trouble in their home. However, something unexpected happened one fateful evening that left Naya drop dead shocked.
It happened that Naya was late in her monthly menstrual cycle and didn’t know why it was delaying. She began to notice that she might be pregnant after other symptoms began to show too. Curious to confirm every doubt, the happy wife took series of tests and was confirmed pregnant. Oh, what a happy day indeed for the newly married woman.
Happy and excited, she couldn’t wait to break the good news to her husband later that evening. When Derrick arrived from the office that day, he met his wife looking all happy and excited. “What’s going on? Am I missing anything? Why are you so happy babe?” he happily enquired as Naya helped remove his suit.
After a few minutes of leaving the anxious man in the dark, Naya finally let the cat out of the bag. “We are pregnant babe” she happily said. Immediately Derrick heard her, his countenance changed and he instantly became furious for no known reason.
Raged and triggered, Derrick dropped a shocker; “How did you let this happen? I am not ready to be a dad to anyone anytime soon’ he said. Naya almost dropped dead after such insensitive response from her supposed husband who ought to be screaming joyfully. She looked at him in total disgust and said; “Tell me you are joking?”.
Derrick looked at Naya right in the eyes and replied, “I’m dead serious; you are aborting that baby”.
To be continued…
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