- Playloaded Song Of The Week
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The two kids went back to their rooms and instead of comforting her sister Joyline was laughing at her.
Joy couldn’t take it anymore and her anger almost made her start a fight, she was about to start a fight when their father appeared.
“Joyline did you burn your sister’s dress?” the father had asked.
The girl just shook her head to illustrate to the father that it wasn’t her.
“ Okay Joy did you burn your dress?
“ Daddy I will never do such an awful thing, will you buy me another dress?”
“ I will buy you a new dress don’t worry” the father had said before Joyline interrupted, “ Dad why would you buy her a new dress while she is the one who threw the dress on the fire, that is not fair”
” Joyline stop lying, I didn’t throw the dress on fire”
They quarreled before their father stopped and told them that she will still buy Joy the dress whether she is the one who threw it on the fire or not.
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The next day the father came back with a new dress and Joyline didn’t like seeing her wearing the new dress, she felt that the father hated her.
The two grew up and finally they started attending school. They were taken to the same school and even to the same classroom
Joy was friendly to the other students unlike Joyline. She wouldn’t allow anyone to touch her things.
As times went by her jealousy level went even higher and decided to act. If she suddenly spot a classmate with something that she admired, when no one was around she would take and hid it.
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One day when they were in grade four another Student who was their classmate came to school with a brand new sweater and it was the first time he was wearing it
Seated in the corner of the classroom, Joyline could spot him very well, she didn’t like the fact that the young man was wearing a new sweater yet she didn’t have a new one
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Therefore during lunch time she had gone back to the classroom after she had ensured that everyone had gone out
She then opened the students bag and removed the sweater and hid it in her bag
Poor Stan came back and tried to look for his sweater but he didn’t find it and was disappointed that someone had stolen his new sweater
That day she went and hid the sweater in her room that no one could ever find out.
Her situation at home even grew from bad to worse and the parents had known her very well, they didn’t hesitate to punish her when she did something that they didn’t like, however Joyline had a coconut head and she didn’t listen to what the parents were saying.
Sometimes she would do something that even the parents couldn’t understand why she was doing it in the first place
They grew and became teenagers but nothing changed she was still the jealous Joyline. In fact she started hating her sister just because she felt the parents loved Joy more than her which wasn’t the case
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The parents loved both of them and would take them out together, buy them same gifts yet she felt she deserved more than what she was getting.
One evening Ken and Joy were having a chat outside their compound. Ken had just travelled from town and had promised to come and spend time with her and this day since the parents were not around, she had informed him.
Ken and Joy had been seeing each other for sometime now and they had started dating, however she never wanted to tell her sister since she knew her very well, she would have literally ruined her plans.
Joyline was coming from a walk when she found the two holding each other, she greeted them and blinked one eye to the young man when the sister wasn’t seeing then left to the house.
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