- Playloaded Song Of The Week
Promoted By Playloaded
Playloaded Trends
Music Promotion
The first day in boarding school was rough for the sisters, they didn’t know anyone and they had to spend the time together.
The tight schedule too didn’t favor them at all but they had to follow and make friends who would help them.
The week was hard for the twins more so for Joy who couldn’t help but think of the break up with Ken but she was finally adapting.
The thought of Joyline being pregnant didn’t get into her mind until one morning a month later as she was having breakfast.
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She and her sister were seated at the dining table while taking the breakfast. That day she had woken up feeling a slight headache and she had taken the painkillers to relieve herself. The painkillers had worked but still she felt sick.
The friends and her sister had helped her to the nurse after her situation grew worse as she was vomiting all around.
The nurse gave her a leave out sheet and she travelled home for medication, however she was so worried since it seemed that she was pregnant but that couldn’t be since they had used protection when they had made love with Ken, she had thought.
She got home and the First thing she did was to call Ken to be sure that he had made sure he used the protection.
Ken was even shocked to hear that she might be pregnant as he was confident that he had used the protection, he had then told her to travel over the next day so that they could run the test to be sure.
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“Joyline but are you sure of what you are saying?”
“Yes in fact I have been vomiting and I haven’t seen my period and it’s past my days”
Ken was now worried and worst of all if the sister comes to find out of what he had done with her sister.
The following morning after having breakfast with the parents she had taken a bath and left them saying that she was going to the hospital.
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She then boarded a motorbike that took her to Ken’s home. No one was home except him and the house maid. He however had dressed himself neatly as he was leaving with Joyline to the hospital.
He took one of his father’s car keys and drove out of the compound. He was so worried that he wasn’t thinking straight and had drove faster and after some few minutes they had arrived at the hospital.
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