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Simi jumped down from the bed and hurriedly wore her clothes, she was about to leave the room for Toun’s school when Yinka held her hands.
Yinka: Sweet, let me handle this, you are not emotionally fit to go.
Simi: I will go, let me go and get my child.
Yinka: Babe, please, let me handle this.
Simi: No problem but don’t come back into this house without my son ooh.
Yinka: It is well, God will bring our son to us unhurt. One more thing…
Yinka quickly went on his knees and asked for his wife’s forgiveness. He was afraid of leaving the house when he was yet to get his wife’s forgiveness.
Yinka: I know I have wronged you and I am sorry for what I did. Simi, please, find it in your heart to forgive me.
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
Simi: Yinka, you beat me, you gave me scars and pushed me out. It’s like you didn’t know the gravity of what you did. I am trying not to make a negative pronouncement on you.
Yinka: Haa, my wife, please, forgive me. For the sake of our son and that of our unborn child, please, forgive me.
Simi: The plan I had yesterday was to inform you that I am pregnant but all I got was beating.
Yinka: I am sorry.
Simi: I have heard you. I am sorry for all I said too, please, forgive me.
Yinka embraced his wife, kissed her forehead and belly, and then, they knelt to pray. After rounding up the prayer, Yinka felt at peace, he encouraged his wife to get some rest while he went to Toun’s school to get their son.
Getting to Toun’s school, Yinka went to the admin’s block to speak to the Principal. Toun’s class teacher was invited who narrated all that happened to Yinka. Toun’s class teacher was taking her pupil’s social studies when Toun took permission to go to the restroom. His teacher waited for his return but didn’t see him. She went to the restroom and met his absence which made her alert the school authorities.
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
What saved the school was that they had a CCTV camera planted in every corner of the school. They all went to the control room where they saw all that happened. The moment Toun got to the restroom, a gunman put a handkerchief in his nose which made him become unconscious. The gunman carried him out of the school through the deserted path in the school and then drove away in a black van. Yinka became weak instantly, he didn’t know how to relate the news to Simi considering her condition.
The Principal advised them to report to the police. The trio then drove to the nearby police station where they reported the case after presenting the clip from the CCTV camera. Then, Yinka was urged to go home and pray that the police help find Toun.
Yinka walked dejectedly to his car, being the emotional type, he broke into tears the moment into his car. He wiped his tears some minutes later and encouraged himself with the fact that Jesus was with his son. As he walked into his sitting room, he met his wife and mother acting restless, he had ignored their call earlier because he didn’t know what to tell them.
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
Mrs. Alake: Yinka, where is my grandson?
Simi: Where is my son?
Yinka: I need you two to calm down, Simi, you need to take things easy. Toun was kidnapped by a gunman but the police have begun a search. Let’s just back their efforts with prayers.
Simi: Yeee, I must not lose my son. Jesus, where is my son? Please, bring him back to me.
TO Be Continued.
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