🔴 The One I Called Friend. by On March 14, 2025
“The One I Called Friend” (Episode 19)
“The One I Called Friend” (Episode 19)

The One I Called Friend.

    The family woke up the following morning for devotion. Yinka went to the twin’s room to call them out only to meet them dressed and their luggage lying right beside them. Before he could say anything, the twins pleaded with him to take them back to the States.

    Jones: Good Morning, Dad. James and I want to make a request.

    Yinka: Alright, go on, I am listening.

    Jones: Dad, can you please take us back to America? You don’t have to stay with us, Luis’s parents will accommodate us.

    James: Yes, Dad. All you just need is to take us there.

    Yinka: Are you two alright?

    Jones: Very alright, Dad.

    Yinka: If there is one thing I won’t allow, it is letting you out of my sight because, with the way you two are behaving, it is obvious you were not well trained.

    James: That is not fair, Dad. You are torturing us emotionally.

    Jones: You are causing us pain, Dad and we demand an apology from you.

    Yinka: Egbami, if I descend on you this morning, you will understand the meaning of pain. Don’t worry, I will go out today to get cane. When I begin to deal with you, you will drop this nonsense attitude in you.
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    James: Dad!

    Yinka: Follow me to the sitting room now, it’s time for morning prayers.

    The twins followed their dad dejectedly to the sitting room. They met Simi already sitted but the hatred they had for her prevented them from greeting her. They hissed, walked passed her, and went to sit on the couch. An already angry Yinka went closer to them and whipped them with his belt which he removed from his trouser. Simi was scared, she had never seen him that angry, and he had not even beaten Toun that way. Yinka was a cool person but could do anything when pushed to the wall.

    Simi tried to stop him but a look from him shut her up. When Yinka stopped, the twins had incurred bruises. Simi had to quickly take them into their room to prevent them from further misbehavior which could earn them more beating after which she came back to speak sense into her husband.

    Simi: You have to be calm with them, it isn’t their fault, that is how they were raised. You’ve injured them.

    Yinka: I never had the mind to beat them but those two are so annoying. Am I even sure they are mine? They are just too rude.
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    Simi: You have to allow the Holy Spirit give you the right method to use to train them. Beating may harden them.

    Yinka: I have heard but that won’t stop me from getting a cane.

    Simi: It’s alright.


    Simi undressed herself as she got into the room. She and the children had just returned from their graduation party and she was super proud of them.

    Toun had graduated as the best student in his class, it was his final year in primary school, he had written the primary school leaving examination and aced all his subjects which earned him numerous awards and gifts.

    James and Jones also topped their class, they received awards for being the best and well-behaved students in the class. When they were called out to receive the award for being well-behaved in their class, Simi couldn’t stop shedding tears, she remembered how they used to be when they were brought into her home. She remembered the disgrace and torture they gave to her, she remembered how cruel they used to be to Toun till God took over their lives.

    Simi had given birth to a baby girl a few months after the twins started living with her. Her mother-in-law had to come over to help them, by then, Toun had returned home since things had gone back to normal. Yinka had an emergency at his place of work which took him away from home. During that period, the twins wreaked much havoc, they were bent on frustrating Simi so that she would convince her husband to take them back to the States.
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    One particular day, Simi’s mother-in-law prepared breakfast for Simi only for her to discover that it was salty. It was so bad that she couldn’t eat the food. Mrs. Alake got angry with Simi, she had the notion that Simi was insulting her cooking not until she tasted the food, it was then, that she realized that someone had tampered with the food. After much investigation, it was discovered that the twins added more salt to the food.

    Since Mrs. Alake wasn’t very agile and Simi was yet to recover from the pain of the pregnancy and childbirth, there was no one to discipline them.

    TO Be Continued.

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