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👫💞 The Pastor’s Daughter Episode Eleven:
After cooking and setting the dinning, I locked myself in the room very scared after what Nosa did. I knew I was in one big trouble and I have to protect myself from him, clearly he had no good intention for me. Despite my father held me with iron hands, I still appreciate most of the training he gave to me and I never want to throw it away whether am under his watch or not.
The next morning I left the room very early and stayed at the back enjoying the cool breeze when I heard them whispering, so I tiptoed to hear what they were discussing,
“What were you doing at Love door? Patrick asked.
“Love door? Is she paying rent here and can’t I knock on her door so she can give me breakfast? Nosa asked back.
“Bro we know you don’t eat By this time and its too early, and again I’ve been wondering why she locked herself up last night without coming out, what did you do to her? Patrick asked.
“What kind of stupid question is That? Wait o, are you dating Love? Nosa asked.
“Me? For what na? Patrick asked back.
“Hey stop pretending, so why did you buy her new wears yesterday? Nosa asked and Patrick laughed.
“Oh that, I am only being kind to the poor girl nothing much so please stop it. I know what you’re trying to do, Patrick replied.
“I can do whatever I want so get out of my way, Nosa said and pushed Patrick aside and I quietly returned to where I sat and cleaned my face.
I breathed out and left to the kitchen and Nosa walked in,
“Where have you been? He asked.
“At home, I replied and he wanted touching me but I shifted away from him.
“Oh common Love don’t be like this, you’re not a child, Nosa said and clung on my body and I ran out from the kitchen.
I landed at the shop and sat down outside crying because I could not open up when the keys were at home.
“Love what are you doing outside? The next neighbor asked when she arrived to open the shop and I heaved.
“Grace I am looking for a job, can you help me? I asked.
“Why what happened? Are they treating you bad? She asked sitting down with me.
“I can’t stay there anymore, I want to go, I replied.
“Love what are they doing to you? She asked but I just kept quiet and she breathed out.
“I don’t know any opening for now but I’ll get back to you tomorrow okay, Grace said and I nodded.
“Thank you, I said and a bike drove in. It was a delivery guy who do come from time to time to drop things for Grace mother, so she stood up to attend to him while I covered my head with my palms calculating how I will get back home.
“Love what are you doing here! I heard and raised my head to see Nosa coming to me.
“I…… But a slap landed on my face before I could finish what I wanted to say.
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
“I what! The house is untidy, you’ve not prepared breakfast and you’re here relaxing outside the locked shop are you mad! He shouted And raised his hand on me again but the delivery guy held his hand and passed a blow to him that I screamed when Nosa fell on the ground.
“Who are you to raise a hand on a lady? The delivery guy asked.
“Please its okay, I said very confused on what to do and Nosa stood up.
“So your boyfriend is even fighting for you? Very interesting, Nosa said and left and I began to cry.
For sure it won’t be good at home for me, and I was so scared of where I will go if they kick me out of the house.
“Sorry about that, the delivery guy said to me.
“Sorry? You should mind your business, you’ve just made things more difficult for me! I shouted.
“More difficult you say? He asked.
“Ermmm she stays with them, you shouldn’t have hit him, Grace came in.
“Will they send her parking? The delivery guy asked and I just ran out without waiting for the reply.
I got home and peeped inside scared and somehow surprised the house was quiet when I was expecting it to be on fire by now.
“Why are you peeping? Patrick asked when he came out and it was like Nosa didn’t tell him anything.
“Is Nosa home? I asked back.
“No he went out, he replied and I just ran in at once to the kitchen to continue from where I stopped and Patrick came in.
“What happened? Patrick asked but I kept quiet.
“Love I am talking to you! What happened? He shouted and I turned to him with my wet face. We heard the door shut loudly and Patrick quickly left the kitchen to check it out which I followed behind but hid myself behind the wall,
“What’s going on? Patrick asked seeing the rage all over him.
“Have you seen that girl called Love? Look at what her boyfriend did to me! Nosa shouted showing him the spot the delivery guy hit.
“No please I don’t know him, I’m very sorry, I came out crying.
“You’re very sorry what! Nosa shouted and attempted to fall on me but Patrick held him and he bashed inside and began throwing my things outside.
“Get out of my father’s house! He shouted.
“Brother calm down let’s settle this please, Patrick said.
“Look Patrick if you hold me again I’ll slap you, just try me! Nosa shouted on him.
“Please I’m sorry, I don’t know that guy, I cried going on my knees.
“I said leave! Nosa shouted and kicked me.
“Brother please let’s wait for mom to come back at least, Patrick said.
“Guy if I hear one more word from you I won’t forgive you. And you don’t let me come out here and see you else you’ll be sorry, Nosa said pointing at me and got in and I cried out.
“I’m sorry! I screamed out and Patrick held me up.
To Be Continued.
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