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👫💞 The Pastor’s Daughter Episode Five:
I ran to the farm and sat down there so pissed the more. Does my father thinks he is the only one who can embarrass someone? I thought and had to find fruits there to eat because my father does not permit anyone to eat on Sunday morning even if you want to die.
Dusk was falling on me and I didn’t want to go to the house. At a point my anger fled and what I felt was fear of what my father will do to me when I get home, but then I still believed I was doing the right thing and my father will have to apologize to me.
I left the farm to the church and took the keys from where we do hide it and decided to sleep in the church.
The next morning I slowly got home and saw Pius fetching water and he saw me,
“Where did you go to? He asked coming close to me.
“I was just close by, I replied.
“You slept outside Love, daddy will kill you, he said.
‘Really? Has he sharpened a cutlass already? I asked.
“Just return that way to wherever you’re coming from, don’t try to enter my house, I heard and turned to see my father looking at us and my mother came out.
“Love, she said and approached us where I stood looking at my father.
“If you know that girl, tell her to return to wherever she slept last night. Oh so it has come to the point you challenge me and also sleep outside right? My father asked.
“Dear please, my mother said and attempted to meet him but my father gave her a stop sign and went in and my mother turned to me.
“What’s all this Love? Who is doing this to you? My mother asked.
“Where do you think I slept last night? I slept in the church, I replied.
‘For what reason? When did that start? She asked.
“Is it the first time I am sleeping in the church? Don’t we tarry in the church anymore? I asked back.
“Stop playing games with me and stop lying to me. Besides tarrying in the church is different from what you did, you slept out last night after insulting your father and you’re still lying that you slept in the church when I was there yet you’re not sober for what you’ve done. You have to apologize to him now! She shouted.
“I didn’t insult him but told him the truth and I guess we both owe ourselves apology. I am not lying to you, and am very sorry because i am not apologizing to your husband. He will have to apologize to me first because he wronged me or else mommy, this will continue, I said to her and she slapped me.
“This is not you I trained and I see the school and friends you have there has influenced you this way. You will have to repeat that class that is making you feel you have arrived and you sit for the exams next year because I am changing your school! My mother shouted.
“What! I asked.
“Yes, I think I have been too cold on you and that is making you grow wings. I’ll show you that you’re still a child under us and we are the ones feeding and training you. And until you give us that respect and return back to your senses, we won’t stop until you become the daughter you are supposed to be in this family. You are no longer going to school and don’t you dare disobey me! She shouted and stormed in while I speechlessly looked at her and Pius breathed out.
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
“Just apologize Love and let’s forget this ever happened, Pius said and my mother came out with the uniform I washed after I returned from church before I ran out and threw them on the floor.
“Mommy what are you doing? Pius asked taking my uniform from the ground but she grabbed it from him and squeezed it throwing it back.
“I am burning them. I paid for them so I am burning them! If she feels she’s a big girl, let her go hustle and buy her own uniform and send herself to school, My mother replied and went in and Pius looked at me.
“Love won’t you do something? Just apologize to them and stop acting dumb and big when you will regret it! Pius shouted at me but I was glued to where I stood looking at my uniform on the ground, before I knew it, my mother returned with the gallon of kerosene and matches and set it on fire right before my eyes.
“You are no more going to that school that is turning you to a monster, and until you apologize to us, you won’t go to school, she sternly said looking at me and went in and Pius worriedly rubbed his head.
“Jesus Christ! Mommy you’ve gone too far! Pius shouted and I ran out from the compound.
My heart was beating as if it wanted pulling out of my chest and I watched as my mates were already leaving their houses for school. I didn’t know how to cover my wet face and I was even walking barefooted because of how I escaped from the house. I ignored the villagers who asked what’s going on with me and found my way to the farm and sat down crying my eyes out.
Out of anger I began destroying what I could in the farm and breathed out looking at my bruised hands,
“I’ll make you pay! I heard myself said and left the farm to the house.
Entering into the compound I saw my father leaving the house for the farm and I quickly hid myself and saw how he took through the back and I came out knowing my mother must be in the market.
I saw my burnt uniform and took the ashes and squeezed it smiling, threw it away and got in. I had enough food to eat, took my bath and picked my few clothes in a bag and left to my parents room to find money.
My parents trust us when it comes to money and never have they complained of their money missing, but that day their money will have to miss, and without counting I just took what I saw into my bag and left.
To Be Continued.
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