“An Eye for an Eye” (Episode 8)
“An Eye for an Eye” (Episode 8)

An Eye For An Eye Story By John Adesogan.

    🤦 An Eye For An Eye  Episode EIGHT:

    Take note also that it is not necessary that your offender realizes his sins first and must come to you to plead for forgiveness before you forgive. What if your offender never apologizes? God can give you the grace to forgive without questioning.

    See, anyone who dies in unforgiveness will end up in hell. Now, imagine that I had died all those times I was nurturing hate and planning revenge? I would have gone to hell oo. I for go hell untop the beating wey I chop for police station. The most painful possibility of it all is that the woman would make heaven if she later becomes born again. I for just go hell banza (in vain). I believe she will do me “ntoor” when she sees that I end up in hell because of her.
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    Look at it this way; what if the people you have offended are also planning revenge? Don’t even say you have not offended anyone. It is possible to offend someone and not be aware. Maybe I would be dead by now if everyone I offended wanted vengeance.

    See, by forgiving your offenders, God can turn those you have hurt and are planning to hurt you back to your benefactors. They will just find themselves loving you. The book of Proverbs 16:7 says “WHEN A MAN’S WAYS PLEASE THE LORD, HE MAKES EVEN HIS ENEMIES TO BE AT PEACE WITH HIM”.

    Look at forgiveness in another light; you forgive, first, because God says so, then because of you, not because of your offender. Unforgiveness hurts you more.
    Cast your mind back to the Lord’s prayer that you recite every day, that says “FORGIVE OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US” (Mathew 6:9-13)……This means, if we don’t forgive our offenders, God won’t forgive us too. You can’t survive a week if God is to punish you for every of your sins.
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    Remember also that God said in the book of Romans 12:19 that vengeance is His. 👇👇👇👇👇
    “Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord.”

    My brothers and sisters, leave revenge for God, He has said he will get justice for you, and He is a God that is ever faithful to His words. Revenge is not your duty, surrender that department to God. If you want to take revenge yourself, IT MEANS YOU’RE TELLING GOD TO STEP ASIDE, THAT HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT HE’S DOING AND YOU KNOW HOW TO DO IT BETTER. Taking revenge is very dangerous oo, make e no come happen say na you wey no dey at fault go still collect at the end. Just calm down, everyone will certainly reap whatever he/she sows.

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    Okay, I will gist you guys the most recent part of the event tomorrow, so don’t miss tomorrow’s episode…

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