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🤦 An Eye For An Eye Episode SEVEN:
While I was still nurturing hate towards my offenders and making plans on how to avenge myself, a lot of opportunities came. I met with guys that are obviously bad guys, I started mingling with them so that I would use them as leverage to carry out my revenge plan.
One day, I was in church and there was a teaching on forgiveness, it was as though the pastor that preached knew what was on my mind, as in, he was speaking to me directly. Then I realized that forgiving my offenders is actually for me; so that my heart would be free and I won’t be at risk of hell. I understood that he who forgives does himself a favour, and not the offender.
People of God, you know what? I forgave them, I mean everyone connected to that terrible ordeal. I aborted my revenge plan and I found genuine peace in Christ. Praise the Lord somebody!
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
This is not the end of the story, but permit me to digress a little so that I can quickly address a few things before we continue…
From experience, I have observed that people treat offence in three ways:
Make I ask you self…If you get revenge, how are you better than your offender? I know you can do better, you’re a good person, revenge is not for you.
Well, I understand that If some of us are to narrate the evil that people have done to us, even death is not enough judgement for such wickedness. But we MUST forgive anyway. For a child of God, forgiveness is not optional, forgiveness is not a choice, forgiveness is God’s commandment.
Let me quickly add this one; IT IS THE LIE OF THE DEVIL THAT EVEN IF A PERSON FORGIVES, HE CANNOT FORGET. It is very possible please. But bear in mind that forgetting does not mean the memories of the event will be wiped out and you won’t be able to recall even if you try. If that happens to you, you’re probably suffering from amnesia. You should see a doctor ASAP.
If need be, just the way I’m doing now, you would still be able to remember and even talk about an offence committed against you, but talking about it won’t hurt you. The memories won’t make you feel bad and the memories won’t unnecessarily reoccur in your thoughts. When you have gotten to this stage, you have forgiven and forgotten ✌️👍🏻💪
Like now, I have forgiven and forgotten everything that Hook up Hantie and others did to me, but I want people to learn from my experience, and abort all sorts of revenge missions, that is why I am sharing. If I can find Hook up Auntie today, whatever God lays in my heart to do for her, of course, I will gladly do it!
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