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👫💞 The Pastor’s Daughter Episode Three:
My mother knocked on the door that night but I just laid in my bed without saying a word.
“Love its time for prayers, we are waiting for you, my mother said outside the door.
“I’ll pray mine here, I said.
“Don’t let me knock on this door again! She sternly said and left and I sluggishly left the bed to the sitting room.
“You’re 10 minutes late Love, is it in my house you want to turn rebellious? My father asked but I was quiet.
“I am talking to you! He shouted and raised his hand to hit me but my mother held him as I just folded my hands looking at him and smirked,
“I’ll be in my room, I said and left as my mother surprisedly looked at me while I saw Pius smiled as he quietly watched the show.
••••••••••••••Playloaded Story••••••••••••••
I have always been the obedient child while Pius was seen as the stubborn one. My father will sometimes invite his friends who are pastors to lay their hands on my brother to cast out stubbornness from him, and somehow he got tired and played cool with all that my father commanded him to do.
I sat on my bed so tired of the house and thought of how I can just leave. Interacting with my classmates these few weeks gave me other view of life and I came to realize that I was more than a loner all this while.
My father made life so difficult and made me reason if my religion is meant to enslave people or to save. Despite my father trained us to quote the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, it didn’t really make sense to me because I was brought up to fear God and not to love him.
The next morning I left the room to get prepared for school and my mother met me in the kitchen which I greeted her.
“Morning. What happened to you yesterday? I mean this is not you Love, my mother replied and I heaved.
“But mommy what did I do? I can’t walk with human beings anymore because my father is a pastor? I asked her.
‘You’re walking with the opposite sex and its giving a wrong impression outside. You should be an example to others, she replied.
“Oh mommy please. Example for what? Did you bring me to this world to live my life for you and for others? I am not doing anything wrong so please let me breathe, I said.
“Love we are training you the way you should go, you’ll thank us when you’re grown up because you won’t understand what we are doing for you now. Look the world is wicked and rotten, so don’t blame us, my mother said and I just shook my head and concentrated with the dishes because whatever I will say won’t change anything.
When I left the kitchen to set the dining i saw my father and greeted him but he just looked at me without saying anything and passed.
On the way to school Pius was just smiling and humming what I don’t know while I looked at him and heaved,
“I saw you smiled last night and you’re still smiling, I said to him.
“Did you expect me to cry? He asked.
‘I didn’t want to react the way I did, but then its too much, its getting too much day by day, I replied.
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“Its too much? No it shouldn’t be now please just hang on there okay, he said.
“Can we talk to daddy about this? We have our life to live for crying out loud and they have taken it away from us. We can’t make decisions anymore and they don’t care. Why should he portray us to the village to be so perfect and pure when we are nothing but humans immune to mistakes? I asked.
‘Because your father is a pastor, he replied and smiled and kept humming and I just knew I wasted my time talking with him.
When we dismissed from school, I was fighting within me to go home or stay for the extra class. I didn’t want to miss it and I’ll be disobeying my father if I stay back.
I just breathed out and took my bag to look for Pius when someone held me by my hand,
“Where are you going to? Solomon asked.
“Ermmm to meet my brother, I replied.
“You’re going home when we have something interesting to discuss today and it’s even Friday? No I won’t let you, you can’t miss today else you’ll regret it trust me, Solomon said and I scratched my head and someone cleared his throat behind me and I turned and saw Pius. I quickly took my hand away from Solomon own because he was still holding me,
“You’ll stay? Pius asked but I could not say yes or no.
“Okay bye, Pius said and left.
“Is there a problem? Solomon asked and I nodded.
“Let’s go, he said taking my hands again and we left to the junior class we do use for the class.
“Its my father, He’s asking me to stop attending the class, I said to him when we got settled but he just nodded his head.
“What’s his reason? He asked.
“Because someone reported to him that I am walking with you, I replied and he burst out laughing.
“Its not funny though, I said.
“Sorry I laughed, what does he think I will do with you? He asked.
“How am I suppose to know? I’m just so scared of what he will do at home if he finds out I disobeyed him, I replied.
“Then you should go home, He’s your father after all, he said and his classmates walked into the class which I greeted them.
“Afternoon Love. Where are your classmates? Go call them please let’s start, One said and I looked at Solomon and slowly left to call my classmates and I ended up joining them in the class.
I was there laughing cheerfully with my classmates enjoying the comedy that was played on phone. My dad didn’t want us to have anything called phone, even the one that looked like a calculator. No television at home either but only a radio which he only turns it on to listen to news when its time, that’s the kind of life we were forced to live and I saw the opportunity to be close to a phone and I totally forgot that I just disobeyed my father.
To Be Continued.
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