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Simi was the only child of her parent, it could be said that life was fair to her as she was blessed with parents who had a happy home, were financially buoyant, and did everything within their ability to ensure she got the best of life. She was the apple of her father’s eye hence, nothing must go wrong with her. The family was a happy one but there was a problem.
Mrs. Adeshina, Simi’s mom wanted more children which were not forthcoming. She tried every possible means to conceive after having Simi but her efforts proved abortive. She tried IVF but got no results, her husband was contented with having Simi, he was grateful to God that they were not barren. But then, Mrs. Adeshina would have none of this, she was bent on having more children despite her husband’s satisfaction with having one child.
Mrs. Adeshina engaged in all manner of spiritual exercises including fasting, praying, going to mountains, sowing seeds, and many more. She just wanted God to look down on her and give her more children.
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Three months after Simi’s fourteenth birthday, God heard Mrs. Adeshina’s prayers as she was confirmed two months pregnant after being sick for a week. You can imagine the joy in the family, Mr. Adeshina was overjoyed. The right preparations for the new baby were being put in place as the family looked forward to having him or her in the family after nine months.
Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, and Mrs. Adeshina went into labor after months of being pregnant. The labor started in the evening, luckily, her husband was around so, he rushed her to their family hospital where she was taken to the labor room. Everything started well and fine but all of a sudden, things changed. Even though Mrs. Adeshina pushed so hard, she couldn’t give birth naturally. The doctor, who saw that things were getting out of hand advised that she undergo a cesarean section to save the life of both mother and child.
Mr. Adeshina agreed immediately urging the doctor to do everything possible to save his wife. The doctor tried his best but he was only able to save the baby as Mrs. Adeshina passed on after the baby was brought out of her. Mr. Adeshina went into shock when the news got to him, it was like a dream, and he pinched himself severally to be sure he wasn’t dreaming.
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Simi burst into bitter tears when she heard that her mother had passed away, she refused to be consoled by neighbors and friends, all she just wanted was her mother.
It was a devastating moment for both father and daughter as it looked like the light of the family was gone. Mr. Adeshina had to call his elder sister to come over and take care of the baby as he couldn’t even look the baby in the face. Simi didn’t even want to have any contact with the baby as she felt the baby killed her mother.
Aunty Lucy tried her best to make both father and daughter accept the baby but her effort proved abortive. As if he knew his family never wanted him, the baby died a week after he was born which further broke Mr. Adeshina’s heart, he felt guilty about the baby’s death, and he wished he had consoled himself with the birth of the baby but then, his wishes could not restore the baby to life.
The baby was buried alongside his mother while the father and daughter tried to put the past behind them but found it very hard. Mr. Adeshina soon found himself wallowing in depression and after a year, kicked the bucket.
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Simi almost ran mad when she went into her father’s room that particular morning to wake him up only to meet him dead. At first, she thought he was deeply asleep but in the long run, discovered there was no longer life in her father. Her scream was what attracted the neighbours who confirmed that he was truly dead.
Simi’s aunt came almost immediately she got wind of the death of her younger brother. Getting to his residence, she was heartbroken, she began to question why He allowed evil to come near the family that loved Him dearly. If there was one thing that stood out in Mr. Adeshina’s life, it was his love and devotion to God and His work. Mr. Adeshina could give his last kobo for the things of God.
TO Be Continued.
Very interesting right?
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